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Integrating Sentry with Azure Functions: A Step-by-Step Guide in Python

Sentry is an open-source error tracking tool that helps developers monitor and fix issues in their applications. It provides real-time error tracking, alerting, and detailed diagnostic reports to help developers identify and resolve issues quickly.

Azure Functions is a serverless computing service provided by Microsoft Azure that allows developers to run code without the need to manage or provision infrastructure.

Integrating Sentry with Azure Functions is straightforward and can be done in just a few simple steps. In this post, we will walk you through how to set up and integrate Sentry in Azure Functions.


Step 1: Create a Sentry Account

The first step is to create a Sentry account. You can create a free account by visiting and following the instructions.

Step 2: Install the Sentry SDK

Once you have created a Sentry account, the next step is to install the Sentry SDK in your Azure Function app. You can do this by adding the following line of code to your requirements.txt file:


Step 3: Configure Sentry

Next, you need to configure Sentry by setting the dsn (Data Source Name) value for your project. The dsn is a unique identifier for your Sentry project, and it is used to send error reports to your Sentry account.

To get your project's dsn, navigate to your project's settings page in Sentry and copy the dsn value from the "Client Keys (DSN)" section.

Once you have your project's dsn, you can configure Sentry in your Azure Function app by adding the following lines of code:

import sentry_sdk from sentry_sdk.integrations.azure_functions import AzureFunctionsIntegration sentry_sdk.init(dsn="YOUR_DSN_HERE")

This code initializes the Sentry SDK with your project's dsn value and enables the Azure Functions integration for Sentry.

Step 4: Add Sentry to Your Function

Finally, you can add Sentry to your Azure Function by adding the following code to your function:

import logging import sentry_sdk def main(req): try: # Your function code here except Exception as e: logging.exception("Function failed with exception") sentry_sdk.capture_exception(e)

This code adds Sentry error tracking to your function by capturing any exceptions that occur and sending them to your Sentry account for analysis.


Integrating Sentry with Azure Functions is a straightforward process that can help you quickly identify and resolve issues in your applications. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can get started with Sentry and Azure Functions in just a few simple steps.


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